Annual Journal, Vol 170, 2017

Artistic Dialogue Between León and Castile in the 10th Century
Rose Walker

Creating Cultural Identity: Opus anglicanum and its Place in the History of English Medieval Art
M. A. Michael

The Early 14th-century Semi-effigial Tomb Slab at Bredon (Worcestershire): Its Character, Affinities and Attribution
Nigel Saul

The 14th-Century Rebuilding of the Collegiate Church of St Mary’s, Warwick
Andrew Budge

Solitude or Performance? The Papal and Royal-Imperial Residences of Benedict XII and Charles IV in Avignon, Prague and Karlstein
Richard Němec

The Medieval Building Sequence and Dating of Clevedon Court, North Somerset
David Fogden

A Carved Romanesque Springer with Voussoirs in Church House, Gloucester Cathedral
Richard Bryant

The British Archaeological Association and the Genesis of J. C. Bruce’s The Roman Wall
David J. Breeze